These are the steps each Pilot should complete in order to level up and eventually graduate into the ranks of our community!
Go to the #rank-up channel in our Discord and type out “Ready for __” and insert the rank you believe you ready for. This will allow an officer to reach out to you about leveling up and receiving the rewards listed below!
- Completed all of the SEAT & Discord step
- Join and set up Coalition Comms and Discord
- Moved "Home Station" to Uuhulanen VIII - Caldari Navy Logistic Support
- NOTE: If you are a more experienced player, you may skip our hisec and set your Home Station to our Nullsec Campus
- Joined Navy-Chat and Navy-Int & shared bookmark folders in-game
- 10mil ISK for skill books
- 1x Tristan, 1x Venture, & 1x Heron at our hisec campus, all fully fitted
- The Initiate rank in our Discord
- 1x Griffin & 1x Kestrel at our nullsec campus, all fully fitted
- The Freshman rank in our Discord
- Completed the Navy Skills II training plan
- Has all Required Navy Skill I ships at our nullsec campus
- Has joined Bean-Int in-game (If you are in Naval Defence Boot Camp, you will gain access AFTER you obtain this rank)
- Has a jump clone at our nullsec campus (PNFW-O - Port Fulcher 2.0) and coalition staging station (MJ-5F9 - B E A N S T A R)
- Shows proficiency in D-Scanning, intel channels, watching local, and using DOTLAN
- 1x Thrasher & 1x Vexor, at our nullsec campus, all fully fitted
- The Sophomore rank in our Discord
- Completed the Navy Skills III training plan
- Has all Required Navy Skill I & II ships at our nullsec campus and coalition staging.
- Has achieved at least 20 kills listed on zkillboard
- Moved "Home Station" to our nullsec campus
- Knows how to make money solo in nullsec
- 1x Osprey Navy Issue, at our nullsec campus, fully fitted
- The Junior rank in our Discord
- Completed the Navy Skills IV training plan
- Has all Required Navy Skill I, II & IV ships at our nullsec campus
- Has a plan for a combat alt OR is willing to volunteer for a low-time-intensive job in Navy
- 1x Basilisk, at our coalition staging, fully fitted
- The Senior rank in our Discord
- Completed the Navy Skills V training plan
- Has all Required Navy Skill I, II, & IV ships at our nullsec campus
- Has achieved at least 100 kills listed on zkillboard
- Has an alt-hauler or market-alt (can be alpha)
- Knows how to use an instaundock and the MWD/Cloak trick
- Knows how to avoid deaths in hisec war declarations
You must have an alt-hauler or a toon that you sit in a market hub so as to avoid war declarations. The toon can be alpha. No skills are required. If you do not have an alt-hauler or a market hub toon, then you must state clearly that you will not go to hisec to purchase anything and will rely 100% on others to do your market purchases and hauling.
- 100mil ISK
- A Graduate Medal in-game that you can display
- The Graduate rank in our Discord
- [Only if member of Naval Defence Academy] An invitation to the corporation of your choice