Having these communications channels available allows us to run joint operations with our friends in our region safely, in a way that ensures only authorized members are present.
This client will be necessary for speaking in voice comms with the other members of our organization during fleet ops. Install this client now so later steps will work properly. You should see a page like the following.
Click the big green button to download the Mumble client, and then run the downloaded file to install it.
You should see a page similar to the following.
Click Yes if you have already installed Mumble.
Click Join next to Horde Mumble Server
You will be prompted to open Mumble. Click on “Open Mumble - Low-latency VoIP client”.
If you've done all that, you should be in the server and ready to shoot space ships with friends!
Follow the directions on the image below to set up your push to talk keys on Mumble.
NOTE: This step is optional for members and they are welcome to mute it. Any coordinated operations within our region will be communicated by NAVY FCs.
You should see a page that looks like this.
Click on the Log in to EVE Online button in top-right as highlighted in the image above.
You should see an Eve Online login similar to the one below. If you play Eve through Steam, click on the green Steam logo in the bottom right corner to log into your Steam, and associated Eve, account.
Select your main character's avatar (the page will highlight it with a box around your avatar).
Then select “Authorize”.
Note: Many new players to EVE are surprised at the level of details we get when you “Authorize” us to see the information. First, bear in mind that we do not receive any of your out-of-game information. This Single-Sign-On ("SSO") is directly from the game developer's website. You can find out more information about the SSO here. Additionally, you can revoke the authorization at any time, also through the game developer's website, although you will also lose access to our Discord.
The “SSO” authorization and the in-game data you provide us allows us to track and weed out spies and thieves. It is also the standard operating procedure for virtually every reputable organization in the game.
After logging in, you will be returned to the main page.
Follow the link above and you should see a page like the image below.
Under “Setting up Service: Discord", click on "Go to Task…" as highlighted in the image.
Click “Yes" to the next two questions about Discord as highlighted below.
Click Link Discord Account
Click Authorize in the screen
Click on Join button next to Pandemic Horde Discord Server