All of these are designed to get you registered into our internal systems so that you can see our upcoming classes, fleets, and other fun events. If you do not do the below, you will be unable to see those schedules, as they are NOT published in-game. The below steps should take less than 5 minutes and are required to be completed in order to retain membership.
You should see a page that looks like this:
Click on the Eve login button to log into the server
You should see an Eve Online login similar to the one below. Log in as you would with your Eve account.
Note: If you started playing EVE through Steam, you will have to authorize with your Steam account by clicking the green Steam symbol in the lower right-hand corner.
Select your main character's avatar (it will highlight it with a box around your avatar).
Then select “Authorize”.
Note: Many new players to EVE are surprised at the level of details we get when you “Authorize” us to see the information. First, bear in mind that we do not receive any of your out-of-game information. This Single-Sign-On ("SSO") is directly from the game developer's website. You can find out more information about the SSO here. Additionally, you can revoke the authorization at any time, also through the game developer's website, although you will also lose access to our Discord.
The “SSO” authorization and the in-game data you provide us allows us to track and weed out spies and thieves. It is also the standard operating procedure for virtually every reputable organization in the game.
Click the Services button on the left side of the Auth screen, and then click the blue checkmark on the row that says “Discord”
Click on “Member Audit” on the left side of the screen, and then click “Register” to register each character using a similar method to the above.