The ships required for Naval Defence Academy depend on your current path in the Training Guides outlined in the in-game bulletins [Corporation (on the left of your screen) > Home > Bulletins].
You are only required to stock the ships when you have COMPLETED the associated Training Guide. Keep at least one of every ship from every Training Guide you have completed.
Fit each ship according to the Alliance Fittings in-game. All ships should be located in either our Alliance Staging (PNFW-O - Port Fulcher 2.0) or Coalition Staging (MJ-5F9 - B E A N S T A R).
The following ships should be stocked in the Alliance Staging (PNFW-O - Port Fulcher 2.0).
The following ships should be stocked in the Alliance Staging (PNFW-O - Port Fulcher 2.0).
The following ships should be stocked in the Coalition Staging (MJ-5F9 - B E A N S T A R).
NOTE: you may not have enough CPU/Powergrid for these fittings initially. That is okay! Ask what to do in fleet--each ship has a lower alternative that you can do until you have the fittings skills completed after Navy Skills III.
The following ships should be stocked in the Alliance Staging (PNFW-O - Port Fulcher 2.0).
The following ships should be stocked in the Alliance Staging (PNFW-O - Port Fulcher 2.0).
The following ships should be stocked in the Coalition Staging (MJ-5F9 - B E A N S T A R).
Upgrade all of the Mk2 fittings to their Mk3 variant.
NOTE: All fits must conform with the in-game corporation fittings without exception.