We have multiple moons that you can mine at to make money! Remember that the ores you mine at our moons ARE NOT YOUR ores and you MUST turn them in to Navy.
Look at the Athanor near where you are mining. If the owner of that Athanor is NLDF ("Naval Defence Force"), then you are mining at one of Navy's moons and the ore must be turned in. If the owner of that Athanor is ANYBODY ELSE that is not Navy, you must contact them about how they would like the ore to be sold to them.
Moon ore sites pop every week. The schedule for the moons are posted in #mining-pings in our Navy Discord. It is your responsibility to get mining ships to the mining sites. The sites will be available for mining at any time--you do not have to attend any of the mining operations, although we will host at least one mining operation per site opening.
Once you have mined the amount of ore you would like to return back to Navy, follow these instructions:
You will be paid out 80% of the ore's refined value (which is much higher than its normal value) and you don't have to transit or move the ore at all. Come and mine with us!