If you have any extra goods that you want to quickly sell without the hassle of moving them, use our optional buyback program!
NOTE: We do not accept blueprints, blueprint copies, or Raw / P1 Planetary materials. We also do not accept any Ice Products besides Smooth Glacial Mass/Clear Icicle and Dark Glitter in a 3:1 ratio. If you have those and want to sell them, reach out in our Navy Discord (#trade channel) to discuss it with our community!
NOTE 2: This program cannot be used for any NAVY-OWNED MOON ORE. ALL moon ore mined at Navy moons MUST be sold to Navy through the Mining Program. All non-Navy moon ore may be subject to the moon owner's own buyback rules.
Moon Ore: Contract all moon ore at the Athanor you mined it at. Set 0 ISK as contract value. You'll be paid 70% of the reprocessed moon ore value which is far higher. See here for details: https://wiki.navaldefence.org/en/mining-program. It is important you do this in a timely manner so your payouts can be processed quickly.
All regular Ore (non-moon): Compress at an Athanor and Buyback at the PNFW-O - Naval Refinery Tatara and create a Buyback contract with 0 ISK as Contract value. You will be paid based on a percentage of the Jita buy value of the refined ores.
Ice (Smooth Glacial Mass/Icicle and Dark Glitter in a 3:1 ratio only): Compress the Ice at PNFW-O - Naval Refinery (or any other NAVY Athanor) and create a Buyback contract with 0 ISK as Contract value. You will be paid 90% of the Jita buy value of the Ice. We only accept Smooth Glacial Mass/Clear Icicle and Dark Glitter in a 3:1 ratio.
Minerals : Buyback at the PNFW-O - Port Fulcher 2.0 Fortizar.