Whenever you die in a ship to another player, you may qualify for a payment from our Ship Replacement Program ("SRP") according to the rules and steps listed here.
PVP loss in a PVP ship: Any ship fitted for PVP that is lost to another player ("PVP") that was not passed out to you as a loan from Navy (see Note below).
Nullsec PVP loss in a PVE ship: Any Vexor/Vexor Navy Issue/Myrmidion as per NAVY fittings (or any other newbro ratting ship) lost to other players while ratting in our nullsec campus.
Nullsec PVP loss in a Mining ship: Any mining frigate, T1 mining barges, and boosting Porpoises lost to other players while mining in our nullsec campus
Hisec PVE loss in a non-PVP ship: Any frigate that is lost to NPCs while ratting or mining near the hisec campus.
Navy Hauler: Any hauling ship used in service as a hauler for our Courier Program.
Director Discretion: Any specific loss that a Director for Naval Defence says is eligible for SRP.
Note: If the ship was provided to you as part of the Path to Graduation (i.e., as a gift for passing the “Freshman” title), the loss of that ship DOES qualify for SRP. Any ship given to you for free as a loan outside of the Path to Graduation (i.e., like at the beginning of a fleet or as an emergency response), DOES NOT qualify for SRP.
If your loss gets denied and you wish to appeal that decision, please reach out to William Karant in Discord and he will decide if the loss should be eligible for SRP.
Any ship lost to NPCs outside of our hisec campus.
Any ratting battleships/marauders.
Any exhumers or barges that are fit with ORE Strip miners.
Any ratting or mining ship that is lost outside of the region of our nullsec or hisec campuses.
Any ship given to you by Navy as a loan at the beginning of a fleet or emergency response. (Ships gifted to you in the Path to Graduation, which DO qualify for SRP.)
Any hauling ship. [Use our Courier Program to have goods delivered safely.]
Note: if evidence is acquired that points towards AFK ratting/mining or not monitoring intel/local, then SRP will be denied even if it is in our pocket.
You can also search for “Naval Defence Academy” or “Naval Defence Force” and look for your name in a red box on zkillboard.
¶ 3. Copy the link from zkillboard and paste it into the Killboard Link box. Add additional information (the date of the kill and what you were doing when you were killed).
¶Note: While we do check and approve the SRP requests regularly every week, it make take up to two weeks to process your request. if you need it done sooner, please reach out to William Karant on our Discord.