Our courier program is designed to be a relatively cheap and hassle-free way to move goods to and from our campuses and/or Jita.
You can initiate a courier contract to and from any of our service locations listed below (using the below steps):
- Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
- PNFW-O - Port Fulcher 2.0
- MJ-5F9 - B E A N S T A R
- Uuhulanen VIII - Caldari Navy Logistic Support
- Any system owned by Naval Defence Alliance in The Kalevala Expanse
NOTE: All contracts from Uuhulanen must first go to Jita, where they can be contracted once again to PNFW-O or another system in The Kalevala Expanse.
The costs must be provided for in the contract as follows:
- 750 ISK per m3 for Jita < - > PNFW-O OR MJ-5F9
- 500 ISK per m3 for PNFW-O < - > MJ-5F9
- 500 ISK per m3 for PNFW-O OR MJ-5F9 < - > Any system owned by Naval Defence Alliance in The Kalevala Expanse
- 500 ISK per m3 for Uuhulanen < - > Jita
NOTE: Each contract must reach a minimum reward threshold of 20m ISK, except for contracts to and from Uuhulanen, which must only have a minimum reward threshold of 5m ISK.
To initiate a courier pick up, follow these instructions:
- Repackage any ships prior to making a courier contract
- Select the assets you would like to move (either using the "Inventory" or “Personal Assets” screens in-game)
- Right click on the assets > “Create Contract” [Each contract should have a maximum of 50,000 m3. If your goods are more than that, make multiple contracts]
- Set the “Contract Type” to "Courier"
- Set the availability to "Private" and then type: Naval Defence Operations in the box (MAKE SURE IT IS TO THE CORPORATION AND NOT TO A SCAM CHARACTER)
- Select “Next”
- Confirm that all the items you would like to move are selected, that you are at one of the service locations listed above, that the total volume of the goods do not exceed 50,000 m3 and that all items are repackaged
- Calculate the cost of the trip using the “m3” listed at the bottom-right of the screen and multiplying that by 1,000 ISK per m3
- Select “Next”
- Type in the desired destination next to “Ship To”
- Type in the cost of the trip (calculated in #8 above) next to “Reward”
- For “Collateral" use “0” ISK. DO NOT add any collateral, otherwise your contract will be cancelled.
- Set the “Expiration” to 4 weeks
- Set the “Days to complete” to 14 days
- Select “Next”
- Confirm that all details are correct and select “Finish”
Your goods will be moved within a week or less. If you need service quicker, reach out in #general channel of the Navy Discord!